London: 16:02
Birmingham: 16:03
Hull: 15:51
Sheffield: 15:58
Southport: 16:02
Jerusalem: 16:02
London: 17:06
Birmingham: 17:10
Hull: 17:06
Sheffield: 17:10
Southport: 17:16
Jerusalem: 17:20
The UK times listed above are for cities with United Synagogue communities.
You can find details of this week's Torah reading, Maftir and Haftarah in our weekly Daf Hashavua by clicking here.
Thursday 10 November, 2022
History was made this week as the Chief Rabbi became the first to go on an official visit to an Arab state since the role of Chief Rabbi was created more than three centuries ago.
The Chief Rabbi has spent three days in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE. On Tuesday the Chief Rabbi gave the keynote address at the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace. He told 1,000 guests from 70 countries that the forum was a "sacred moment". The Chief Rabbi’s visit comes after the 2020 Abraham Accords which saw official diplomatic relations established between Israel and the UAE, together with Morocco and Bahrain, who in turn recognised Israel as a state.
Reflecting on the Abraham Accords, the Chief Rabbi said: "Abraham was absolutely committed to his own family, community and religion, and because of that he was respected outside of his religion, because he believed that he had a religion for the sake of every single human being on earth. That is the very tone and atmosphere within this hall right now as we gather together proud of our own faiths and at the same time, reaching beyond, in friendship and warmth, towards others."
The idea of peace between the UAE and Israel and a growing local Jewish community would have been unimaginable just three years ago, he said. But the Accords with the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco opened "a window to strengthen Jewish-Muslim relations". He added: "I am only standing here before you at this very moment, thanks to the courage of great and outstanding leaders who have reached for the stars and who have said we can achieve peace."
The Chief Rabbi told us how he received the warmest of welcomes in the UAE and how the story of Abraham emphasised the fact the world must strive for a warm peace and that interfaith ties are most effectively built between those who remain proud adherents of their own faith.
Click here to watch a video of the Chief Rabbi’s keynote speech.
Congratulations to Woodside Park United Synagogue who become the latest United Synagogue community to gain a bronze award from EcoSynagogue for their work making their community more environmentally-friendly.
Many US communities are marking 'EcoShabbat' this week and using it as an opportunity to engage their members in the conversation about the climate emergency. EcoShabbat falls during COP27, the global climate change conference, running this week and next including world leaders such as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Israel's President Isaac Herzog.
Dorot, our environmental initiative, has made a number of positive changes to the work of the United Synagogue over the past 10 months as you can see in the leaflet we've made here.
Find out more about EcoShabbat by clicking here.
Today is the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht ('the night of the broken glass') when the Nazis destroyed hundreds of shuls and thousands of Jewish businesses. Click here to view our Facebook post.
This Sunday night and Monday mark the second yahrzeit of our former Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks זצ׳׳ל. Many of our communities are participating in a global day of learning in his memory.
We were saddened by the news this week of the passing of Rabbi Maurice Hool z'l, who was for many years the Rabbi at Kingsbury United Synagogue. His funeral has taken place in Israel. We will publish a piece about his life and legacy in the coming weeks and wish arichut yamim, long life, to his family.
Shabbat shalom,
Richard Verber
Communications Director
United Synagogue
Donate Your Discount
We are asking those who don’t need the government’s £400 discount being applied to all energy bills this winter to donate their £400 to a family in need.
With the cost of gas and electricity rising, there are Jewish families unable to make ends meet and the United Synagogue Chesed department aims to ensure that those in need receive prompt support.
Could you donate your £400 energy bills discount? If so, please click here.
If your family is facing real economic anxiety this year, please click here.
Networking event for governors
40 governors from Jewish schools recently attended a governor networking and discussion forum hosted by the United Synagogue and Office of the Chief Rabbi.
During the reception, the Chief Rabbi thanked governors for giving their time to ensure our children have the best Jewish education possible.
Governors from Jewish schools in the north of England also joined the discussions online.
Read more about it by clicking the link below.
Tribe Israel Tour 2023
Save the dates for Tribe Israel Tour, which will be taking place from 4-26 July 2023 and make memories that will last a lifetime! Applications open soon, and you can register your interest now by clicking here.
KLBD-2 Cookbook
Following the success of KLBD's first cookbook, KLBD-V, we are pleased to share the second KLBD Cookbook, KLBD-2. This cookbook is a collection of recipes given to us by KLBD certified companies, especially for you. Download the cookbook by clicking the link below.
Toy Wrapping Event
This Mitzvah Day, please join Young US at Langdon Edgware (Ahavat Yisrael Synagogue) to wrap toys that have been donated to US Chesed to gift to children who need them most this holiday season. Sunday 20 November, 12-2pm.
Emergency Winter Appeal
This Sunday, we are partcipating together with Gift and Chabad UK to support Jewish communities in Ukraine. United Synagogue communities have been asked to collect items in brand new or good condition, including clothing, sleeping bags and electric heaters. To see the list of items requested and to find out how to get involved, please click on the link below.
AJEX Virtual Parade
To mark The AJEX Remembrance Parade and Ceremony, we would like to showcase photos of the children and grandchildren of war veterans wearing their parents’ and grandparents’ medals in a ‘virtual parade’. Please send all photos by email by clicking on the link below.
Come work with US!
We're looking for a Marketing and Events Coordinator, a Head of Tribe, a Roving Administrator and Roving Finance Administrator, an IT Support Engineer and more! Might you be one of them? Click on the link to see all our jobs.
Chefs & Co Dried Fruits
Today's KLBD certified product is Chefs & Co natural and organic Dried Prunes, Cherries and Apple Slices. They are KLBD Kosher Certified Parev, with logo. Available from eBay, Amazon, and their website.
What will we become the parent of? Find out in this week's D'var Torah by the Chief Rabbi!
Is it possible to give too much? Rebbetzen Siobhan Dansky, a graduate of the Chief Rabbi's Ma'ayan programme, finds out in this week's Jewish News.
Davening Squad
Join St John's Wood for the launch of their first 'Davening Squad' for primary school children to master selected parts of the Shabbat morning service and learn to lead the Friday night service confidently - in a welcoming and musical atmosphere!
Anthony Horowitz
Join New West End for an audience with the world famous author Anthony Horowitz. Enjoy meeting, informally dining and drinking with Anthony Horowitz, who will also be talking about his writing life. Sunday 27 November. Book your place now by clicking the link below.
Lord Kestenbaum
Join Hendon as they hear from Lord Kestenbaum, who will be in conversation with Dan Sacker to mark the second Yahrzeit of Rabbi Lord Sacks zt"l. Lord Kestenbaum was Chief Executive of the Office of the Chief Rabbi. Sunday 20 November at 8pm.
Rabbi Wollenberg's piano medleys
Woodford Forest's Rabbi Wollenberg has performed a series of piano medleys including Im Eshkachech, Boi V'Shalom, Kol Nidre and more. You can watch videos of these medleys on YouTube by clicking the link below, and you can read more about it by clicking here.
Kesher @ Central
Birmingham Central has developed an exciting programme called Kesher to re-engage with members after Covid and to build relationships across the community. Project Welcome is supporting the development of new activities in and outside the shul. Find out more by clicking the link below.
'Kristallnacht: Rehearsal for the End'
Join Central as they hear from Trudy Gold, world-renowned Jewish History lecturer, on the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Her talk will be titled 'Kristallnacht: Rehearsal for the End'. Tonight at 7:30pm. For details on how to book please click the link below.
GPS through the Book of Bereishit
Join Woodside Park's Rebbetzen Gila Hackenbroch on her GPS journey through the Book of Bereishit. She will be looking at relationships through the lens of our patriarchs and matriarchs. More details can be found by clicking the link below.
Fleur Hassan-Nahoum
Join Edgware as they hear from Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem. Her talk will be titled 'Jerusalem: Challenges and opportunities for the holy city'. Tuesday 15 November at 8:15pm. Book your place by clicking here.
Candlelit dinner and piano recital
Join New West End Synagogue as part of their new cultural hub 'Connections@W2' for a candlelit dinner and piano recital with the brilliant pianist Esther Hadida. Sunday 13 November at 7:30pm. Book your place now by clicking the link below.
'Thank you' tea for volunteers
Over 40 Belmont Community Cares volunteers attended a tea which was held to thank them for all their help, especially over the last 2 difficult years. It was a lovely opportunity for everyone to get together in person and to meet the new Rabbi and Rebbetzen. Rabbi Sam thanked the team for all that they do to support our members.
Catford & Bromley off to a busy start
Catford & Bromley have had a busy start to the new year, with children returning to Cheder. New Chairman Eddy Arram stepped into the role following Joe Burchell becoming Honorary Life President after 31 years as Chairman. New Rabbi Bryan Wiesz has been engaging and inspiring members of all ages.
David Dein entertains crowd at Central
David Dein, the author of 'Calling the Shots' and former Vice Chairman of Arsenal Football Club and the Football Association, addressed an audience of approximately 50 people at Central Synagogue recently. You can read more about the event by clicking the link below.
Online events
We've got lots of great events taking place online and in person! See what events are happening in our communities every week by checking out the United Synagogue events portal.
Community Briefing
Read the Board's latest community briefing.
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