London: 15:37
Birmingham: 15:36
Hull: 15:22
Sheffield: 15:29
Southport: 15:33
Jerusalem: 15:57
London: 16:46
Birmingham: 16:50
Hull: 16:44
Sheffield: 16:49
Southport: 16:55
Jerusalem: 17:17
The UK times listed above are for cities with United Synagogue communities.
You can find details of this week's Torah reading, Maftir and Haftarah in our weekly Daf Hashavua by clicking here.
Thursday 15 December, 2022
Sunday evening is the start of Chanukah and this week’s You&US has everything you need to know for a wonderful festival!
Why are certain foods so connected with Chanukah? Northwood United’s Rabbi James Mindell has put together a food-related thought for Chanukah. Speaking of food, Northwood member and chef Denise Phillips has a new latke recipe made with Mrs Elswood pickled cucumbers! And you can check out other recipes by Western Marble Arch's Rebbetzen Ilana Epstein here.
We've made a handy card you can print and keep with all the brachot (blessings) and songs you'll need to light the candles this year.
Tribe have been busy this week running programmes across 7 primary and secondary schools and engaging more than 2,000 pupils with their Chanukah activity. You can make your own chanukiah with Tribe here!
Women are invited to join our uplifting and inspiring Women's Hallel service to celebrate Chanukah. It will take place on Zoom on Monday (December 19) at 8:45am with Rebbetzen Freda Kaplan and Hadassa Kessler. Click here to take part.
Sixth-formers are invited to join Tribe in central London on Monday (19 December) for a scavenger hunt with mystery prizes up for grabs. Dinner will be provided for everyone. Click here for more information.
We’ve got more resources on our website including a Chanukah walkthrough and a dedicated section for children and young people on Tribe's website.
Please join us for two special shiurim for Chanukah on TheUS.tv. Right now you can watch 'The Hidden Hope of Chanukah' with Pnina Savery, Ma’ayan and United Synagogue Educator. And next Thursday (December 22) at 1:00pm and on-demand afterwards, Rabbi Michael Laitner, our Jewish Living Department's Rabbi, will be speaking about 'Chanukah: Midrashim, Maccabees and a 'Basis' in Tanach'.
And finally, why not check out what’s going in your community over the next week or so?
Learning in memory of Dayan Ehrentreu zt'l
The Chief Rabbi, the London Beth Din and the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue invite you to join a Chanukah-themed learning programme in memory of Dayan Ehrentreu zt'l. It will be available from next Thursday (22 December) on TheUS.tv.
Doughnut competition!
We've loved seeing all the answers coming in for our 'Guess the mystery doughnut flavour' competition! Win yourself a box of delicious Carmelli's doughnuts simply by guessing the flavour of the doughnut in this picture!
All you need to do is head over to our Facebook or Instagram pages to give us your answer in the comments, and make sure you include #mysterydoughnut! If you don't have social media access then please email us your answer to youandus@theus.org.uk.
All correct answers will be entered into a prize draw to win a box of the doughnuts. The doughnuts will then be on sale at Carmelli Bakery from Sunday 18 December. Full T&Cs can be found here. Good luck!
Wishing you all Shabbat shalom and a Chanukah sameach,
Richard Verber
Communications Director
United Synagogue
UKHSA visits House of Life
A team from the UK Health Security Agency recently visited the House of Life at Willesden Jewish Cemetery for a talk about the life of Rosalind Franklin, followed by a bespoke tour related to science and engineering. You can read more about it by clicking the link below.
The hidden hope of Chanukah
What is the hidden hope of Chanukah? Join United Synagogue Educators Pnina Savery and Rabbi Michael Laitner in discovering the secrets of this festival on TheUS.tv and Facebook. Thursday 15 and Thursday 22 December, at 1pm and available on-demand afterwards.
Women's Hallel: Live
Join Rebbetzen Freda Kaplan and musician Hadassa Kessler for an uplifting and inspiring Hallel service to celebrate the festival of Chanukah. Monday 19 December at 8:45am on Zoom and on Facebook.
Tribe Israel Tour 2023
Applications for Tribe Israel Tour 2023 are now open! With madrichim from England and tour guides from Israel, Tribe Tour offers the perfect opportunity to experience Israel like never before! Apply now by clicking here and make the most of the Early Bird Price, which is available until Thursday 22 December.
Buying doughnuts this Chanukah?
Buying doughnuts this Chanukah? There are so many KLBD bakeries to choose from! Find the full list and more details by clicking here. In other KLBD news, Weetos Chocolatey Hoops Orange and Weetabix Golden Syrup are KLBD Parev, and Oatibix Flakes Nutty Crunch are KLBD Dairy.
Come work with US!
We're looking for a Facilities Manager, a Financial Controller, a Deputy Nursery Manager, a Secretarial and Administrative Assistant and more! Might you be one of them? Click on the link to see all our jobs.
What does being ‘shomer mitzvot’ mean? Find out in this week's D'var Torah by the Chief Rabbi! To read a transcript of this and all of the Chief Rabbi's Divrei Torah, click here.
Chanukah candle lighting
Join Woodside Park for Chanukah candle lighting with singing, latkes and doughnuts. Wednesday 21 December at 7:45pm, which will follow Ma'ariv at 7:30pm.
Events at Central
Central Synagogue have hosted a variety of different events recently, including the official inauguration of the Alan & Caroline Howard Cultural Centre and a cantorial concert. You can read more about Central Synagogue's events by clicking the link below.
Members gather to remember
More than 300 Wembley members, ex-members and friends gathered to remember over 90 years of community history before leaving their present building and moving to their new home. Read more about it by clicking the link below.
Evelyn Glennie
Join Cockfosters & N Southgate for an evening with Evelyn Glennie, who will be in conversation with Rabbi Meir Shindler as part of 'Rising to the Challenge'. Evelyn is a leading solo percussionist, who is highly successful with an acclaimed career, and is deaf. Monday 19 December at 7:45pm.
Chanukah Concert
Join Ealing for a Chanukah concert with The Joe Atkins Brass Quintet, featuring the Hallel Suite for Brass Quintet, composed by Anthony Legge, and Music Hall Suite and Polka for Brass Quintet by Joseph Horovitz. Wednesday 21 December at 7pm. More details can be found by clicking the link below.
Belmont and Norwood
Since the lockdown ended, Belmont have had a weekly Friday night and Yom Tov kiddush rota and songs at the nearby Norwood homes. All residents and staff have also been invited to a once a month event in the shul. Read more about it by clicking the link below.
Chat and Share
Pinner were delighted to host founder and chairman of Leket charity, Joseph Gitler, as part of their weekly café Chat and Share. Over 40 members attended. Pinner host a weekly drop-in café and provides the community with hot drinks, snacks and a warm space.
Chanukah on the Hill
Join Muswell Hill as they light the Chanukiah, and enjoy entertainment from Britain's Got Talent Finalist magician Josh Horus, and a light supper with latkes and doughnuts. Sunday 18 December at 7pm. Book your tickets by clicking here.
Northwood hear from Bettina Caro
Northwood members recently heard from well-known Sephardi artist, Bettina Caro. Accompanied by her Curator, Julia Weiner, they took us through the magic of Bettina’s beautiful and skilful work. Read more about it by clicking the link below.
Themed Friday Nights
Join Central Synagogue for a 'Spirit of Chanukah' themed Friday Night led by Chazan Steven Leas. The service will be followed by a tasty themed Kiddush. Friday 16 December at 3:45pm. Book your free place by clicking here.
Global Women's Hallel
Join Edgware for an uplifting Hallel service on Chanukah and Rosh Chodesh Tevet, connecting women all over the UK and around the world. Sunday 25 December at 3:30pm, followed by a Chanukah lighting in Israel.
Online events
We've got lots of great events taking place online and in person! See what events are happening in our communities every week by checking out the United Synagogue events portal.
Community Briefing
Read the Board's latest community briefing.
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