London: 16:13
Birmingham: 16:13
Hull: 16:01
Sheffield: 16:08
Southport: 16:12
Jerusalem: 16:22
London: 17:22
Birmingham: 17:26
Hull: 17:21
Sheffield: 17:26
Southport: 17:32
Jerusalem: 17:42
The UK times listed above are for cities with United Synagogue communities.
You can find details of this week's Torah reading, Maftir and Haftarah in our weekly Daf Hashavua by clicking here.
Thursday 19 January, 2023
Volunteering is the lifeblood of the United Synagogue and our communities. In fact without our volunteers there wouldn’t be some 60 US shuls.
Day in, day out, hundreds and hundreds of people give of their time to make our communities tick. Thank you to each and every one of you.
This is why it was so wonderful to see the return in person of the Jewish Volunteering Network’s Celebration of Volunteering Awards on Sunday evening. The event was in memory of Leonie Lewis z'l, JVN's founder, and our former Vice President, colleague and dear friend. Our President, Michael Goldstein, was delighted to attend along with so many award winners from our communities!
A huge mazal tov to Volunteers of the Year Suzanne Goldsmith from Barnet United Synagogue, Maytal Charing from Finsbury Park United Synagogue and Aviva Wilford from Northwood United Synagogue!
And another huge mazal tov to the Lifetime Achievement Award winners, Stuart Bloom of Bushey United Synagogue, Alan Moss from Northwood United Synagogue and Ronnie Palester from Barnet United Synagogue!
And a final huge mazal tov to the Volunteer Teams of the Year, Barnet United’s Chesed Team, Northwood United’s Northwood Network and the United Synagogue wide Essential Food Parcels Volunteers’ Team!
There were also US members who won volunteering awards for their work supporting dozens of other great charities. Mazal tov to you all – and thank you for what you do.
If this inspires you to volunteer for your shul, why not see what is available? There are so many ways to get involved – helping with children’s services or adult programming, joining the security or kiddush rota, supporting vulnerable people in your community or helping out at events. And with shul AGM season approaching in May, why not speak to your shul about joining the board or becoming an Honorary Officer?
If you'd like to get involved but you're not sure how, just reply to this email and we'll help you get sorted.
Mental Health Awareness Shabbat
We are proud to support Jami's mental health awareness Shabbat taking place this weekend. It was founded by Western Marble Arch's Rabbi Daniel Epstein when he was the rabbi of Cockfosters and N Southgate United Synagogue and he will be leading an online Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday afternoon to mark the ocassion. You can watch live at 3pm via this link. Many of our shuls are running programmes too and we wish them well.
Well done to our friends at University Jewish Chaplaincy who have successfully raised more than £640,000 for their vital work supporting Jewish students on campus. This provision is vital to the wellbeing and continuity of a vibrant, empowered and successful Jewish student community on campus.
Shabbat shalom,
Richard Verber
Communications Director
United Synagogue
Bake someone's Purim special!
Each year, US Chesed bake around 5,000 hamantaschen to send to members of the community and charity partners as part of Mishloach Manot boxes (gifts of food on Purim), and we need your help to bake them! We'll provide the recipe and ingredients, all you need to do is bake! To take part, please contact Hannah Skolnick at hskolnick@theus.org.uk.
Chief Rabbi praises new HGSS team at induction
The Chief Rabbi formally welcomed Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue’s Senior Rabbi and Rebbetzen, Rabbi Marc and Rebbetzen Lisa Levene, and Community Rabbi and Rebbetzen, Rabbi Luis and Rebbetzen Jodie Herszaft, at HGSS’ Shabbat of Celebration last Shabbat.
Read more about it by clicking the link below.
Women's Hallel: Live
Join Rebbetzen Freda Kaplan and musician Hadassa Kessler for an uplifting and inspiring Hallel service to mark Rosh Chodesh - the new Jewish month of Shevat. Monday 23 January at 8:45am on Zoom and on Facebook.
New translation of the Torah
Cranbrook United's Rabbi Steven Dansky launches his new translation of the Torah. Starting with the Book of Shemot, each week Rabbi Dansky shows how the Sages came to the conclusions that they did about what it means.
New Children's Service Leaders Guide
Tribe are proud to present this helpful guide that will enable you to plan your children’s service to include games, tefillot and stories. There are pre recorded tunes to learn and songs to include in your service and more. Click the link below to view this week's guide.
Come work with US!
We're looking for a Tribe Community Liaison Manager, a Secretarial and Administrative Assistant, a Nursery Assistant, a Tribe Fieldworker and more! Could you be one of them? Click on the link to see all our jobs.
Who was greater, Moshe or Aharon? Find out in this week's D'var Torah by the Chief Rabbi! To read a transcript of this and all of the Chief Rabbi's Divrei Torah, click here.
Do you agonise over decisions? Ma'ayan Shira Jackson finds advice in this week's sedra published in the Jewish News.
Finchley United's Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence, was on BBC Radio this week with his Pause for Thought, looking at a dramatic incident which happened in his shul recently. Listen here.
Speakers' Corner: Aaron Brohi
Belmont's Speakers' Corner presents Aaron Brohi of The Wiener Holocaust Library, Britain's largest archive of documents on the Nazi era and the Holocaust. Sunday 22 January at 4pm. Book your place by clicking here.
Mala Tribich MBE
In honour of Holocaust Memorial Day, Central Synagogue is honoured to host Holocaust survivor and inspirational educator Mala Tribich MBE. Monday 30 January at 6:45pm. Book your place by clicking here.
20 years at Edgware Synagogue!
20 years ago Edgware Synagogue's caretaker, Andrea, became an employee of the shul. Edgware marked the occasion last Shabbat with a presentation and kiddush, and Andrea was presented with a card!
Maccabiah Winter Games medals
Mazal tov to Goldie and Shmuli Orenstein on their achievements at the Winter Maccabiah Games. Goldie won two golds snowboarding and was the Team GB flag bearer at the opening ceremony. Shmuli won 3 Bronze medals skiing. Read more by clicking the link below.
TGI Tuesday
Join Hampstead Garden Suburb for their new learning programme, TGI Tuesday. Term 1 will begin on Tuesday 31 January. The full schedule of the learning programme can be found by clicking here.
The Sabina Miller Memorial Lecture
Hampstead is honoured to be hosting the 2nd Sabina Miller Memorial Lecture with Jonathan Freedland, whose lecture will be titled 'A Different Path: The extraordinary life of Rudolf Vrba'. Sunday 22 January. Book now by clicking here.
New pop-up café
Stanmore and Canons Park Synagogue have opened their doors to their new pop-up café, which is designed to be a central hub of support, offering a safe, warm and welcoming environment. Read more by clicking the link below.
JVN Awards for Northwood members
Northwood United Synagogue are proud that four of their members achieved JVN Awards this year, including Team of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, and Volunteer of the Year. Read more about it by clicking the link below.
Cranbrook Culture Club
Join Cranbrook for their Culture Club titled 'From J.S. Bach to John Williams: an appreciation of classical music' and see how music evolved through the centuries. Starting on Thursday 19 January.
Mental Health Shabbat
Join Central for Mental Health Shabbat, which will take place on 21 January. They will be hearing from Valerie Cohen, who will be giving a talk titled 'Surviving suicide loss: a personal story'.
Holocaust Memorial Day
Join Northwood as they commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day. They will be joined by a number of speakers including Guest of Honour Jacqueline Luck, who will share her grandmother's story. Monday 23 January at 8pm.
Sing-Along Success
The launch event for Belmont's new women's group was a great success. Caroline Pakter, a former West End actress, led a workshop which started with vocal exercises and culminated in a medley of songs from Fiddler on the Roof. Read more by clicking the link below.
Global Women's Hallel
Join Edgware for an uplifting Hallel service on Rosh Chodesh Shevat, connecting women all over the UK and around the world. Sunday 22 January at 8pm. Zoom details can be found by clicking the link below.
The Changing Faces of Refugees
Join Muswell Hill to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day as they hear from Gerry Gruneberg who escaped Germany in 1939, and Lena Ismailova, who escaped Ukraine in 2022. Thursday 26 January. Book your place by clicking here.
Online events
We've got lots of great events taking place online and in person! See what events are happening in our communities every week by checking out the United Synagogue events portal.
Community Briefing
Read the Board's latest community briefing.
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